國立清華大學音樂學系 National Tsing Hua University Department of Music

蔣茉莉 教授


  姓名  蔣茉莉

  職稱  教授

  學歷  美國約翰霍普金斯大學Peabody音樂學院音樂藝術-碩士、博士


  專業領域  鋼琴、室內樂

  連絡電話  (03)5715131 分機73111

  E-mail    mlchiang@mx.nthu.edu.tw /  molichiang873@gmail.com



國立清華大學音樂學系專任教授 (2002~)

國立清華大學音樂學系主任 (2016-2018)


義大利Interharmony 國際音樂節客席教授 (2014、2017、2019)


 Peabody音樂院台灣校友會第三、第四屆監事 (2017 ~)



美國紐約Frinna Awerbach國際鋼琴大賽第三名

阿根廷Mar del Plata市國家青年鋼琴家協奏曲比賽首獎






     鋼琴家蔣茉莉本籍台灣高雄市,十四歲與家人移居阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯市,於阿根廷國家音樂學院大學畢業後,赴美國約翰霍普金斯大學Peabody音樂學院取得鋼琴演奏碩士及博士學位。曾受教於 Leon FleisherEllen MackYogheved KaplinskyEnrique GrafRoberto CaamañoPerla Brúgola

她曾是美國紐約Frinna Awerbach國際鋼琴大賽獲獎者,阿根廷Mar del Plata市國家青年鋼琴家協奏曲比賽首獎、阿根廷天主教協會鋼琴大賽首獎、行政院僑委會之「海外優秀華僑青年」及美洲中國時報文化基金會之《海外青年學者獎》。

多年來無論是以獨奏、重奏或協奏型態的展演,其細膩的演奏深獲聽眾讚賞。2010年重返阿根廷的五場巡演更獲阿根廷時報El Tribuno Jujuy對其現場音樂會評述-"其鋼琴聲響富神奇般的延展性…"。 她曾受邀至美國紐約卡內基Weill廳,紐約州Chappaqua圖書館,阿根廷首都Cervantes劇院,阿根廷Mar del Plata市Roxy劇院舉行鋼琴獨奏會;亦受邀與高雄市管樂團,阿根廷Mar del Plata市立交響樂團,中華少年管絃樂團,高雄市立少年管絃樂團,近年也受邀與台師大絃樂團、新竹教育大學(現清華大學)管絃樂團及中國湖南交響樂團等做協奏演出。

其國內外重要演出足跡包括阿根廷Mozarteum巡迴音樂會,盧森堡愛樂廳,羅馬尼亞Targu Mures音樂廳,中國上海金茂音樂廳,中國杭州紅星劇院,廣州星海音樂學院演奏廳,湖南長沙音樂廳、台北國家音樂廳及國家演奏廳,高雄市至德堂,新竹市文化局演藝聽,台中屯區藝文中心及台南市立文化中心等。在國際音樂節中,如西班牙Sant Pere de Rodes 音樂節、義大利Canetti音樂節、美國Ravinia音樂節、阿根廷Bariloche音樂節等也有其獨奏及重奏演出紀錄。自2014年起,定期受邀於義大利Interharmony國際音樂節中參與演出與授課,2019年也為國際大師鋼琴藝術節台灣名家講座者之一。

蔣教授的演奏專輯包括【Alberto Ginastera阿貝圖‧希納斯特拉 ─其鋼琴獨奏與重奏作品】, 台灣喜馬拉雅唱片公司發行;與國立新加坡大學楊秀桃音樂院小提琴家左軍合作錄製【Virtuoso Inspirations-名聲】,台灣新逸藝術發行。

蔣茉莉現為國立清華大學音樂系專任教授,1996-2013曾兼任交通大學音樂研究所教授鋼琴演奏課程,並於2016-2018擔任清華大學音樂系系主任。多年來在鋼琴及室內樂教學上均不遺餘力,其學生在嚴謹培育下,常於公開演出及音樂比賽(如全國賽、縣市賽等)中表現傑出並榮獲優越成績。經常受邀擔任大師班講座暨多項音樂比賽評委: 包括台灣史坦威鋼琴大賽、台積電青少年鋼琴大賽、河合之友鋼琴比賽、行天宮菁音獎、建華愛樂古典菁音獎等。2008入新竹市百位表演藝術家名錄。


2016 清華大學音樂系協奏曲比賽 第ㄧ名 。

2017  全國學生音樂比賽106學年度新竹市賽鋼琴獨奏/大專A組優等第ㄧ、第二名。

2018 清華大學音樂系協奏曲比賽 第ㄧ、第二、第三名 。

2019  第十屆琴弦音樂大賽社會組第三名。

2019  世界鋼琴教師協會鋼琴大賽台灣北區大專A組第三名。

2019  全國學生音樂比賽108學年度新竹市賽鋼琴獨奏/大專A組優等第ㄧ、第三、第四、第五名。

2019  全國學生音樂比賽108學年度新竹市賽鋼琴三重奏大專團體A組優等第ㄧ名。

2020  全國學生音樂比賽108學年鋼琴獨奏(決賽)大專A組優等。

2017  碩士入學正取- 清華大學音樂系、美國Manhattan School of Music。

2018  碩士入學正取- 清華大學音樂系、台北市立教育大學音樂系、美國Longy School of Music of Bard College, Boston。

2019  碩士入學正取- 清華大學音樂系、備取- 台北教育大學音樂系。

2020  碩士入學正取- 清華大學音樂系、交通大學音樂研究所。




Moli Chiang, Professor of Piano

E-mail   molichiang873@gmail.com


Praised by El Tribuno Jujuy Argentina (2010) for her "magical ductility" in piano playing, Dr. Moli Chiang currently holds a full-time professorship at the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan.

Born in Kaoshiung, Taiwan, Dr. Chiang made her debut with orchestra at age eight and was the first-prize winner at several major national piano competitions before immigrating with her family to Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received the Bachelor of Music degree from the National Conservatory "Carlos Lopez Buchardo" in Buenos Aires and both Master and Doctor of Music degrees from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University in the United States. Her teachers included Roberto Caamaño, Perla Brúgola, Enrique Graf, Leon Fleisher, Yogheved Kaplinsky and Ellen Mack.

Among the many top prizes she has won are the 17th Frinna Awerbuch International Piano Competition in New York City, American Music Scholarship Competition in Washington, D.C., National Young Artist Piano Competition in Mar del Plata, Argentina, and the Christian Association Piano Competition in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has also been awarded fellowships from the Organization of American States, the American Association of Women University Education Foundation, and the China Times Cultural Foundation.

As a recitalist and chamber musician she has performed on the stages of Taipei National Concert Hall, Shanghai Jin Mao Concert Hall, Luxembourg Philharmonie, Targus Mures Philharmonic in Rumania, Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, Chappaqua Library in New York, Cervantes Theatre in Buenos Aires, and Roxy Theatre in Mar del Plata, Argentina. She has given concerto performances with Argentina Mar del Plata, Kaoshiung Wind, Chinese Youth, National NHCUE and China Hunan Symphonies as well as string orchestras of NHCUE and National Normal University of Taiwan.

She has also appeared in the Music Festival of San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina), the Ravinia Music Festival (USA), the Sant Pere de Rodes Music Festival (Spain), the Canetti Music Festival. In 2010, she returned to perform several concerts in Argentina as the guest artist of Mozarteum Argentina. She was a guest faculty member at the Interharmony International Music Festival in Italy (2014, 2017, 2019) and International Maestro Piano Festival in Taiwan (2019).

In Buenos Aires, she made recordings for National Radio, Radio Rivadavia, and Municipal Radio of Buenos Aires. The last recording won her a medal in memory of Brigidas Frias de Lopez Buchardo. Her recording of the great Argentinian composer, Alberto Ginastera's works, "Piano Music /Chamber Works" was released by Himalaya Records of Taiwan and "Virtuoso Inspirations" with the Chinese American violinist Zuo Jun by New Arts Inc., Taiwan.

A dedicated teacher, Moli Chiang has taught many award-winning piano students. She has also served as the coordinator and performer in several music exchanged concert projects. Through the years, she has continuously given master classes and served as jury members for many piano competitions.

